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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 05/07/18
                        Town of Antrim
                         Select Board Meeting
                          May 7, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 7:00PM by Selectman Bob Edwards

Members Present:  Bob Edwards and John Robertson
Member Absent:  Selectman Michael Genest
Staff Absent:  Donna Hanson, Town Administrator
Town Department Personnel: Road Agent Jim Plourde
Public Participation:  Joyce Bosse, Hillsboro Messenger

The minutes of April 9th and 19th 2018 were moved by Selectman John Robertson, Seconded by Bob Edwards and voted in the affirmative as presented Passed: 2/0.

The non-public minutes of April 9, 2018 were moved by Selectman John Robertson, Seconded by Bob Edwards and voted in the affirmative as presented. Passed 2/0

The minutes of the Select Board meeting of February 12, 2018 were moved by Bob Edwards and seconded by John Robertson.  Under discussion, Bob Edwards stated the minutes of Feb 12, 2018 were being amended to include the discussion and consensus that the Letter of Credit as presented by Antrim Wind Energy was in acceptable form and was accepted by the Select Board.  Bob Edwards also suggested that the vote by the Board was 3/0 and not 2/0.  As further amended, the minutes passed 3/0.  In addition to the above vote, Selectman John Robertson moved to approve a letter prepared by Donna Hanson, Town Administrator to the NH Site Evaluation Committee dated 5/7/2018 notifying the Committee of the acceptability of AWE’s Letter of Credit. Seconded by Bob Edwards and passed 2/0.

The Select Board reviewed the All Veteran’s Tax Application. Motion was made to approve the application by John Robertson, Seconded by Bob Edwards. Passed 2/0

The Select Board reviewed a letter from Kristin Bixby, Antrim’s Assistant to Land Use Boards recommending Mr. Ron Haggett to be reappointed to the Zoning Board of Adjustment through March 31, 2021. She noted that his appointment expired in March 2018.  Motion made by John Robertson to approve Mr. Haggett’s reappointment as stated, seconded by Bob Edwards. Motion passed 2/0

Under Correspondence, Bob Edwards read a letter from Stephen Ullman of Gregg Lake Road expressing his concern for maintaining a second means of egress from Gregg Lake Road and Brimstone Corner Roads, especially during the winter months should natural causes or other unanticipated events prevent egress through Craig Road to Rtes 9 or 31.  He discussed his suggestions for snow removal provisions in light of the proposed Craig Road replacement bridge approval at Town Meeting in March 2018.  Road Agent Jim Plourde expressed concerns after reading the letter regarding maintaining year-round access through Craig Road.  The Board was uncertain if the Town’s Emergency Management Director or Chief Lester have provided their thoughts and whether Mr. Ullman was aware that his letter was being discussed.  It was the consensus of the Select Board members present to continue the discussion to another meeting as access is now available and to discuss the matter further with Donna Hanson, Town Administrator.

Updates by Board members on meetings attended were continued to the next meeting so Selectman Mike Genest and Town Administrator Donna Hanson could be present.

Under other business, Bob Edwards stated that there are specific initiatives and matters that will be discussed for Select Board consideration for 2018 but they would be best discussed when Mr. Genest and Donna Hanson are present for their input and counsel.

A motion was made by John Robertson at 8:00PM to enter non-public session under NH RSA 91-A-:3 II. B under hiring of any person as a public employee. Seconded by Bob Edwards. By roll call Vote, John Robertson Yes, Bob Edwards Yes Passed 2/0  

Regular public session reconvened at 8:21PM

Motion was made by John Robertson, Seconded by Bob Edwards to hire Kathleen M. Clark as Antrim’s Asst. Town Clerk and Deputy Tax Collector subject to an interview with Bob Edwards and a reference verification and any other usual and customary conditions of hire by Town policy.

Motion to adjourn by John Robertson, seconded by Bob Edwards, Motion passed 2/0

Meeting adjourned at 8:23

Respectfully submitted  

Bob Edwards, Selectmen and Secretary Pro-Tem